Hello, Pumpkin!

Large Radish

There are some things I need in the fall, and a hay ride while bundled up and snuggling my sweet boys is one of them. The second is pumpkin desserts with cream cheese frosting. Pumpkin and cream cheese are one of those matches made in heaven. You’ve got them together in these delicious pumpkin rolls!

Quick and Easy

This delicious fall recipe is quick, easy, and has two of the best ingredients in the world: cream cheese and pumpkin!

Add dry ingredients to bowl and mix

Create wet ingredient mixture 

Pumpkin Roll


12 Slices




20 Minute Prep 14-18 Minute Cook 1-2 Hour Chill



It’s a show stopper of a dessert with the beautiful orange cake that contrasts so nicely with the white cream cheese frosting in the middle.  Head over to LMLD.org for full recipe.

Beautiful and delicious.